
"How Did We Get Here?" Stories

Story is a powerful thing—moving those who hear to laughter, tears, and deeper thought. I am so honored that each individual who shared in this project was willing to invite me and others into their story. It’s really easy to use stories for entertainment or for a quick feel-good moment... but let us be moved into action. To truly love, you cannot hoard privilege. We can all find ways to share what we have with those who have not. We can each find ways to love our neighbors every day by hearing them out before jumping to judge and assume.

See Gallery Story Transcripts here












Antonio (Spectrum 03) | Portraits

Never mind that these portraits were taken in December. (I said I was behind, right?) This is a judgment-free zone.

Due to recent events in our world, I've been freshly reminded that a few achieved milestones in the fight for equality do not equal constant progress. Sometimes we take a few steps back. We are humans. We will mess up. There is grace for that! Still, my frustrations with the current state of the world and how it is possible to still be calling people "apes" and penalizing people for standing up (aka kneeling) to a prejudiced system compel me to action. If you’re looking for a mantra, here’s a good one: I am not the standard. There are other ways of doing life, and they are just as valid and significant as my way. 

Listen to those that are different from you and choose love. Learning to appreciate and respect another way of thinking is half the battle, friends. Take time to listen to the stories of others--whether at the grocery store, in your neighborhood, or on "the other side of town." This is Antonio's story: 


"I grew up in a [predominantly] Caucasian town. My best friend was biracial as well (black/white). It was crazy to grow up around people that had no exposure to culture, especially as a pre-teen and teenager. 

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Raised by my white grandmother, I was always different in the household. I always embraced my culture but because I wasn’t raised around it, I didn’t know a lot of things about it. The town made it so hard for me to be cultured because they were afraid of it.


People are afraid of what they don’t know.


The people that I met when I moved to a more diverse town helped me to really embrace who I was. They have helped mold me into the man I am today. There have been pastors, father figures, mentors that I have been blessed enough to look up to! Because of them, I no longer feel out of place but exactly placed in this world! 


The program I am furthering my education in is school counseling. The reason I wanted to do this is because I want to make sure that the youth of our generation or the next don't grow up without anyone. I know that during my childhood as a youth, I didn’t have anyone to talk to or go to that would talk me through these things. I now believe that is my calling in life. My hope is to give back and to help youth to not go through the same mistakes I went through." 

McKenzie (Spectrum 01) | Portraits

I love seeing people in their most pure and honest form—apart from the filters of media characterizations and stereotypes. When I look, I see fearlessness in one's gaze, serenity in another's smile, years of stories bundled in a laugh... all this richness in an individual's experience is hard to discover if we don't first choose to really see them with unfiltered eyes. 

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We live in a world where expectations for your race are pinned onto your diaper as an infant and drilled into your head as you grow. In these expectations are rules for what you can and can't do, how you can talk, how loud you should be, what music you should listen to... as a _____ (fill in the blank with your race) man or woman. But people's stories go beyond these parameters. 

I've been thinking about the experience of being a minority in America and all the different stories that exist within that experience. We stand out in a crowd, which ironically can be an incredibly invisible feeling. Are the people I am encountering really seeing me? Or, do they see the black girl I'm "supposed" to be? 

“As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation -- either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course.” MLK Jr.

Now, thanks to Martin Luther King, Jr. and men and women like him who fought and prayed hard for their dreams, my sufferings are minuscule compared to the experiences of the 1950s and 60s. But we all know there’s still work to be done. 

I asked some friends, with whom I share the minority experience, Tell me what shaped you. What has your experience been like? No expectations, just questions. 

This is my friend, McKenzie, and this is a little snippet of who she is: 

Defining parts of my childhood include "becoming a Christian for sure. . .  just being around people who loved God really helped me understood who I was as a Christian. 

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A really close friend I had who God allowed to grow up with me through my teenage years [really impacted me]. We shared everything together, and that was really a blessing because I really got to know myself because of her. I learned that thinking deeply and having really analytical thoughts wasn't weird. I had a friend to share my thoughts with!


My parents and siblings have ALWAYS been there to support me. I just think I learned what love is and how to love from my immediate family."


Thank you for taking part in the Spectrum portrait series, McKenzie.



More stories to come.