Year in Review | food edition

At the beginning of 2017, I made a commitment to believe in my work. I'm typically on the anti-New Year's resolution train, but this goal has been a steady challenge that stuck with me all year... because to believe in your work, you have to make good work, and to make good work, you actually have to believe in your work. [insert quarter life crisis] 

I started chipping away at this goal by moonlighting as a food photographer. Sometimes this meant playing with ingredients in my kitchen.... 



And sometimes it meant reaching out to local chefs and culinary art students and photographing their events. 



I also made a job change, and it's already providing me new opportunities to keep working on these goals. 



My goal for 2017 hasn't gone away just because the year is over; I'm just adding on another layer for this year: believe in the process. All good things take time, and that is ok.  

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p.s. click food to see more



Sister Seniors

Confession: I absolutely love people watching. I could be entirely entertained by it--no cable, no Netflix. Photography is basically a license to people watch, and maybe that's why I love it so much!

Watching and capturing these twin sisters' personalities was super fun. Thanks, Kimberly and Stephanie, for being troopers and marching all over downtown Knoxville with me! 

Julia | Senior


"My little baby is all grown up and saving China." - Mushu

I've had the honor of capturing each of my siblings' high school senior selves. Now the baby of the family is striking out on her own path. Where do they say time goes?

Congratulations, Jules!

This is technically my mom's senior year too, and I'd be remiss if I didn't congratulate her as well. This is a crappy iPhone photo, but I don't care. She has done it all for us, and is the best teacher that four kids could have asked for. Happy senior year, Mom!